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Exciting News - Free Access to Dog Behaviour Consultant!

Dear Customers & Friends,

We are really excited to announce that we have a new professional supporter and ally!!

That’s right, Kera Pets has a new professional supporter for our leather flat collar range and over the coming months you will be able to access free advice from our expert dog trainer and behaviourist, Jo Croft MA. Jo is the owner of dog behaviour consultancy; Dogs Logic and Puppy Coach, the latter beinga brand-new concept in online puppy owner education.

Over the coming months we will be publishing a series of blogs, kindly provided by Jo, that are designed to give insight into the importance of your relationship with your dog, to help you better manage your dog’s behaviour.

Jo will also be offering a FREE ‘ask the expert’ Q&A style forum for our customers and friends who are experience difficulties in dealing with puppy and adolescent dog behaviours.

Here’s what Jo had to say about Kera Pets:

“After meeting Ashley and his team at a popular dog show, I was blown away by the quality of the leather flat collar range. Having worked and owned dogs for over 20 years, I have thrown away a variety of so called ‘quality’ collars. I am now pleased to say that having tested and really tested the Kera Pets flat collars I am extremely happy with them and as such will confidently recommend them to my clients and friends. A real bonus was the customer service and warm welcome from Kera pets, a professional collar with a professional service. It will be a pleasure to offer advice to their clients” Jo Croft MA

For more information on Jo or to gain some insight to her background, please take a look at her website:

Further information to follow in relation to access to FREE advice and the Q&A forum. This will be publish along with our first training blog post, which will be publish this weekend!


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